Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Pandemic journal - Friday, March 27-Monday, March 30, 2020

No posts for the past several days - my heart just hasn't been in it.  Given that I have almost nothing to complain about, since we have plenty to eat, a functioning air conditioning system, beautiful weather, almost unlimited TV, a very sweet fur baby, and each other - life still seems so disorienting that I function in kind of a perpetual semi-exhausted state.

And no, it's not the virus. I'm thinking I may understand just a little bit of what folks go through who live with depression. It wears you out.

SO - today, I have some calls and video meetings, and a little sliver of time to write a bit, so here I am.

It's finally sinking in that even when we pass our "surge" point (that is, when our hospitals begin to look like MASH units and are doing wartime triage to decide who lives and who dies), this virus is probably with us for the long haul.  If heat kills it, that's okay for Florida in the summertime - but will it come roaring back in the winter? And more important, at least to me, is how long will it take for our distrust of each other's physical presence to wear off? I am getting accustomed to avoiding people. And, horror of horrors, video meetings and social events and family gatherings are sweeping the nation.  It's the ultimate nightmare:  a life lived entirely on screens.

I hate this.  As a lifelong optimist, I'm having my nose rubbed in it. It's hard to see any light at the end of this tunnel, and I've always been able to see the light.

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