Thursday, May 7, 2020

Pandemic journal - Thursday, May 7, 2020

Yesterday was a good day.

How long has it been since I've had what I would call a good day?  Aside from a few small high points, pretty much no good days for seven weeks now.  The news is bad and worse, and it's everywhere I turn.  All media, all the time, all coronavirus.  Facebook posts, NPR radio, and certainly everywhere on TV.  I know that being bombarded with so much information and so much bad news is not a good thing, yet I find myself unable to turn away.

Until yesterday.  This week, beginning on Monday, May 4, the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Florida State University began an online version of our annual Maymester.  Continuing for three weeks, Maymester features morning and afternoon classes lasting for two hours each, Monday through Thursday.

Monday, I joined my first class, exploring the history of musical theater. Tuesday, I joined a Cosmology class, which certainly had a much broader perspective than the troubles of our Earth. And yesterday, along with the hubs, we explored Croatian history and how football rules the world.

In just three days, I have been transported.  Through the teaching genius of distinguished FSU faculty and researchers, I have left the virus behind and plopped myself into other times and other worlds.  And last night, I felt a resurgence of the energy that I thought had deserted me forever.  I actually played with the dog.

I've loved OLLI at FSU since I joined back in January of 2007, becoming addicted to the joy of learning simply for its own sake, the accumulation of so many new friends, some of whom are true soulmates, and traveling with like-minded folks who have left business attire behind for comfortable clothes and sensible shoes.  This group doesn't worry about blow dryers and hot rollers, stiletto heels, thousand-dollar suits and brown shoes with black pants.  We love architecture, history, literature, science, sports, and the universe.

I've decided that, given the choice, I would prefer to be in the company of this august bunch while we learn together.  But just seeing the faces of so many friends on my computer screen helps. And I think my brain had actually begun to shrivel - it responded like a flower to a rain shower to the wonderful classes I have "attended" this week.

Perspective.  Thanks, OLLI.