Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Five-minute free writes, Day 8 - "Gather"

As I age (and I am in my third thirty, actually more than a third of the way through it, I will remind the reader), I have to make a conscious effort to slow down and gather my thoughts.  I'm pretty busy for an old lady, with volunteer commitments, caregiving duties for both my husband and my disabled sister, and the usual issues that come up with adult children and young grandchildren. Not to mention that I really need to make a dermatology appointment ....

I digress.  Let me gather my thoughts.  I find that if I sit at my computer and simply gaze out the window into the branches of the beautiful magnolia tree that's only a few feet away, and through the branches to the sky and the trees in my neighbor's back yard, I can let my thoughts roam and scatter like so many sheep in a pasture.  Then that little border collie who lives in the front of my brain begins to work busily with her sheep and brings them towards the pen. I remember - oh, yes, let me call and make that appointment. This weird thing on my nose doesn't seem to be going away. I should get it looked at.  The border collie flops down and takes a break - another job done, all is well until the next rambling of those sheep.  Gathering, gathering, gathering.

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