Friday, March 20, 2020

Pandemic journal, March 20, 2020

I had an odd feeling this morning as I was walking the dog - what if this very necessary social distancing begins to tear the social fabric of our country?

I was contemplating my weekly trip to Publix and thinking a little negatively - do I really want to be around all those people? - and it came to me that my usual extroverted personality is taking on a bit of a paranoid tinge.  And maybe that's a problem.  How hard will it be to get back to whatever passes for normal in 21st century America?

I see notices on Facebook asking for volunteers to help with food distribution to school kids, and I wonder about programs like Meals on Wheels.  In our community, a large number of the Meals on Wheels volunteers are retirees.  Selfishly, I am not willing to step up to help these people, and this is so not-me it makes me blush. I see calls from nursing homes who are desperate for temporary employees; what will happen to those residents, all of whom are loved by their families?

This issue is far more complex than just a simple directive to stay at home.  We may be keeping the curve flattened, but by flattening it we are lengthening it also - that's just simple physics.  How long will we have to stay put?

SO - the trip to Publix proved to be just what I needed.  I got such a kick out of talking to people - the produce guy, the bakery clerk, the cashier - and exchanged many a head-shake with fellow shoppers, particularly on the paper goods aisle.  Why would people hoard tissues?  I'm figuring we can all use up that toilet paper stash to blow our noses.

I also learned something about how Publix is shifting their algorithm a bit.  I had minced garlic on my shopping list - you know, the stuff that comes in a little jar, made for lazy cooks like me.  Absolutely no garlic of any kind was to be had.  So I asked the produce guy, and he told me that they have shifted their deliveries to reflect what seems to be in highest demand (and I guess garlic didn't make the cut) and they have cleared the shelves to make room for more of these items.  He also said they have a truck coming in every other day, so I can check back on Sunday. 

And that's my big outing for today.  I'll chat with colleagues in an afternoon video conference about issues surrounding our nonprofit programs, and I will (in complete defiance of everything) get a pedicure this afternoon.  Tomorrow the mobile dog groomer will come.  And Sunday the ladies on our block are getting together for an outside gathering just to chat - bring your own wine.

It's just a sign of the times to reflect on how much I look forward to these contacts with others!

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