Friday, October 4, 2019

Five-minute free writes, Day 3 - "Problem"

I think my problem today is pretty obvious - it's actually Day 4, and I completely missed writing yesterday.

I took a self-care day, and that was just a lunch with a friend and a movie.  But my days are so packed with volunteer responsibilities, the tug and pull of caregiving, the little problems that are sprinkled throughout the whole waking period - I tend to forget about the wonderful self-care that I get from just this simple exercise.

Truly, I thought about it briefly in the morning - then not again until today, when I realized that it is Day 4 already!  So here I am, late.

I think this problem is one that I can solve.  I'm resolving to write every day this month, because I really miss it.

And along the way yesterday, I didn't do some other tasks that should have been done.  Maybe my problem is a bit more than I think.

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