Monday, October 21, 2019

Five-minute free writes, Day 21 - "Person"

So this is a writer-nerd thing:  what person works best for you (or me) when you sit down to write a story?

I've taken some classes on writing, and some of them have involved memoir.  I love reading memoir (who doesn't love "Angela's Ashes" and "The Glass Castle"?), but I really, really, really have a hard time writing it.

Just putting down the dreaded first person pronoun kind of stops me in my creative tracks.  Who could possibly be interested in any piece of my life?  Even with some fairly dramatic twists and turns, it's pretty boring.

And truthfully, I'm much more into the Stephen King thing:  thing of two really odd things, and put them together. Add some goofy characters. Presto! An interesting story.

And maybe I just don't want to dredge up little poison bits of the past. They and I have made our peace - no need to open those old memory boxes and let those critters out.  Just leave them far away, behind me in the rearview mirror.

So - third person, you are my friend. I can write at a safe distance, lording it over the world I create, not stuck with a pre-determined outcome.

Actually, I don't think I could even use that "I" pronoun in a work of fiction!

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