Saturday, October 19, 2019

Five-minute free writes, Day 17 - "Consistent"

I have been pretty proud of myself, as I have managed to post one of these each day of the month - until Thursday, the 17th.  And then yesterday, the 18th.

Consistent.  That's what I try to be, with days scheduled consistently as much as possible.  But I do have to think about these little writings, and truly on the last two days I haven't had time to think.

In addition to my regularly scheduled meetings and always-emergent crises (which are really just little fires, but still need putting out), we have been under the threat of some bad weather.  So there's that.

I admit it's bothered me. I committed to this project, and I let myself down.  That is truly inconsistent with the way I normally operate.  SO - this morning, in the calm of a not-so-awful tropical weather event and a Saturday morning which has moved very slowly, I am catching up.  I am forgiving myself the temporary lack of consistency, and getting it done!

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